Long Vowel Sounds

Long Vowel Sounds & Short Vowel Sounds

Vowels make a short sound (sat, bed, lip, hot, sun) and a long sound (where the vowel sounds like its name- game, sleep, high, boat, cube). It is important for children to understand common letter combinations. This is not a comprehensive list. Visit our phonics worksheets page for our complete set of long vowel sound resources.

 Long a Long e Long i Long o Long u
ai, ay, a_e ea, ee i_e, igh, -y oa, o_e ew, u_e

Free Long Vowel Sound Resources


Each worksheet is focused on a specific sound. Choose one sound to give your

Long Vowel Worksheet

Long Vowel Worksheet

child practice at identifying the different letter combinations that can be used to create the given sound. Visit our phonics worksheets page for our complete list of long vowel sound worksheets.

Long a Sheet

Long e Sheet

Long i Sheet

Long o Sheet

Long u Sheet


Long Vowel Sound Posters

Help your child remember the common long vowel letter patterns with these posters. Print long vowel posterand display so your child is able to refer to them on a daily basis. Visit our phonics worksheets page for our complete set of long vowel sound resources.


Short oo Words Long oo Words ai Words ay Words
ea Words ee Words oi Words oy Words
ou Words ow Words ar Words



Find our complete list of long vowel worksheets and resources here




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